Tuesday, July 5, 2011



Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R was already often hung in various motor show in Jakarta since a year ago. But this was the Kawasaki finally confirm the launch schedule.

This was said National Sales Manager of PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia (KMI) Freddyanto Basuki told the media on Tuesday (07/05/2011).

"It's true we have introduced earlier in the year 2010 and then but we can not sell it at the time. And we think now is the right time to introduce to the community," said Freddy.

ZX-6R Kawasaki is a global product, so that Kawasaki should equate to the product outside of Indonesia.

"Basically that in Europe and in America, the product is changed in the early and mid-year, so now is the perfect time to be introduced," he said.

Freddy revealed no difference in the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R to be introduced this week with the Ninja ZX-6R in the year 2010.

"Therefore we also will introduce a new well in this year. Dit Ahun the 2011 majority was almost the same as the Ninja ZX-6R we introduce 2010. But there will be several different parts such as stripping, setting and some other parts, "he said.

When asked what price tag to bring home a large vehicle, he replied.

"Definitely under Rp. 250 million, but remained at the head number two. Because of its luxury sales tax only 75 percent. So patiently to find out on Friday only.

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